Easier BAS returns

Preparation and Lodgement of Activity Statements – A Legal Requirement for All Businesses Registered for GST

This is a quarterly reporting process whereby you report how much your business has sold, for what amount and how much GST you have charged and collected, as well as how much GST your business has spent on good and services.

Basically it deducts the amount of GST you have paid from the amount of GST you have collected to show whether you owe GST or are due a refund.

Depending on your business, this can be a fairy complex process and many businesses prefer to leave it up to their accountant to manage, which ensures that they don’t miss out on claiming GST deductions and avoid missing their lodgement deadline and receiving a fine.

Why use an accountant to lodge your Business Activity Statement (BAS)?

As with lodging your tax return, by using an accountant to prepare and lodge your BAS you receive extra time to lodge and make payment. An accountant will also remind you of all the potential things you can claim as business expenses, ensuring you don’t miss anything out.

Let us manage your BAS for you so you know it’s correct and lodged on time. 

Nice new system. Everything can be accessed by way of the portal whenever you need it. I like that.
Alwyn Terpstra
I just want to say thank you for assisting me with my business budgeting. I have now been putting my gst away each week and it’s amazing the stress that will be lifted when it comes to paying it. I am also looking at implementing the other monthly transfers that will assist my financial obligations to the point that I am now excited again about growing my business under your guidance. You’re are FIRST accountant that I have come across that shows real care about business owners and how they can plan and implement financial strategies that makes business more fun!
Everything Visual
North Coogee, WA

‘Great oaks from little acorns grow’