Business planning service
News Article: July 14, 2020 by Oaktree AccountingSuccess is about planning. We want to help you achieve success. Our Business Development offerings are practical and tangible services that help to create long term value. Business Planning is a great starting point. Business Planning An effective business planning process gets to the heart and soul of your business. Upon completion of ‘pre-work’ we’ll … Continue reading “Business planning service”
READ MORE...Your business recovery plan
News Article: by Oaktree AccountingAs businesses emerge from Covid-19 restrictions, for many ‘Business as Usual’ has become ‘Business Unusual’. So, how do we navigate our way towards a sustainable new normal? During lockdown, we focused on crisis management, activating relevant Government support packages and doing our best to build cash war chests. Now we enter the recovery phase on … Continue reading “Your business recovery plan”
READ MORE...Customer relations are more important than ever
News Article: by Oaktree AccountingWith many businesses struggling to achieve pre-Covid sales levels, and the potential for unemployment to spawn a new breed of start-ups, having a customer retention plan has never been more important. Surprisingly, the most inexpensive way to grow a business is to maximise customer retention. Statistically, the probability of selling to an existing customer is … Continue reading “Customer relations are more important than ever”
READ MORE...Tax Tips for Individuals
News Article: July 1, 2020 by Oaktree AccountingHave you captured all your work-related deductible expenses to make the most of your annual tax returns? Income The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) automatically receives information from your employers about salary and wages that you have been paid for the financial year. You need to declare all income from other sources on your tax return … Continue reading “Tax Tips for Individuals”
READ MORE...Benefits of a Proactive Accounting Meeting
News Article: June 30, 2020 by Oaktree AccountingTaking time out to discuss what is happening in your business allows you to gain clarity about your future direction. You should book in with a professional and caring accountant who is the right the fit for you and your business. At Oaktree Accounting we see non-clients to explore how we can best help them. … Continue reading “Benefits of a Proactive Accounting Meeting”
READ MORE...Get Your Business Records Ready for Your Tax Return
News Article: by Oaktree AccountingWhilst it is not exactly business as usual right now, you still need to prepare for your business tax return. Organising your documents now will mean you can get your tax return completed earlier and access any refunds due or start planning for tax payments. Getting your business records up to date and accurate will … Continue reading “Get Your Business Records Ready for Your Tax Return”
READ MORE...Using KPIs to monitor and improve business performance
News Article: February 27, 2018 by dwaoaktreeWithout a robust, well thought out plan, that is based upon a real understanding of your business performance and data, chances are business success will allude you. Running your business based upon gut instinct and a vague idea of what your success will look like is unlikely to cut it in today’s competitive marketplace. A … Continue reading “Using KPIs to monitor and improve business performance”